
Recover & Correct Concealer GIVE-AWAY

8:00 am

Left to Right: 1-Light, 2-Fair, 3-Beige, 4-Mid Tan, 5-Deep Tan

This blog post comes with great excitement, the ReCover Team has been extremely kind enough to run a give-away with me! This means that one of you lucky winners will be able to get your hands on your very own concealer in whichever shades suits you best. All you have to do is comment on this blog post stating your name and your desired shade! You don't need a Google account to comment simply select the 'Anonymous' option but don't forget to include your name. Also just enter your email in the thing below or log in with your Facebook. This is a UK exclusive give-away ONLY, so apologies to my readers across the globe. The contest will run from the 15th of February to the 29th giving all of you a full two weeks to enter. The winner will be contacted shortly after the giveaway. 

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