
Reflection 2015

10:05 am

This past 2015 has been incredible I've had the opportunity to spend more quality time with friends & family, work with amazing brands, travel the world and have my blog read by over 10 countries which just makes me realise how lucky and fortunate I am! Here's my year in reflection, also the reason why this is going up in February is because it's my 'ONE YEAR BLOG ANNIVERSARY'!

+ January 
The month where the New Year resolutions started rolling in like drinking more water, which I actually did so I'm just a little proud of myself. It was also the month where becoming a blogger was something I constantly thought about and here I am a year down the line with over 7400 views.

+ February 
This is the month I finally decided to launch my blog after years and years of planning but always being too afraid to publish it. I couldn't be happier with my blog, I love my layout it's minimal & effortless.  I've had some amazing opportunities with my blog from working directly with brands to promoting their incredible products on here! 

+ March 
I published my first ever review on my blog, if you were wondering what it was on it was on the Head & Shoulders Thickening treatment!  It wasn't amazing but we all have to start somewhere right? Sometimes I go back right to my first blog post (and cringe for a bit!) and see how drastically my photos have changed and improved (thankfully). 

+ April 
The month leading up to exams I remember how anxious everyone was including myself! I still watched all my TV series whilst revising I liked to think of it more as multitasking and I still managed to come out with good grades! I mean I can't agree with people who physically deprive themselves of everything if I was to do that I probably wouldn't have revised at all. 

+ May 
Exam month! That's all I remember May as being, a month packed with sleepless nights & early mornings trying to cram that extra bit of revision in. And then there was Prom. Why was prom before our exams that I will never understand nevertheless it was still a blast! It was also exam leave which meant it was the last few weeks left of Secondary school which was actually kind of sad! 

+ June 
This month was all about taking those last exams, especially my Electronics exam which seemed to drag as it was on the 22nd of June. Along with last minute holiday shopping and packing our suitcases to make sure we had bought everything we needed to travel with.

+ July 
The month we flew to India and conquered the Taj Mahal, Red Fort and the City palace in a number of days. It was also the first time we as a family spent Eid abroad with other relatives which truly was a whole other experience but it was still fun!

+ August 
My first ever trip to Dubai! It was a memorable experience from the shopping, to visiting the Dubai Aquarium, the Zoo, riding a camel, along with Ferrari World & seeing the beautiful  Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi. It was also my birthday which I luckily spent with my close friends & family.

+ September 
College finally started! Yes I got lost sometimes and yes it was a STRUGGLE picking out outfits for every day of the week, but here I am still alive & only a few months away from exams which scares me! 

+ October 
The birthday month of my two closest friends in the entire world! I love planning and shopping for presents when it's someone's birthday. Yes I am one of those people who colour coordinate wrapping presents and go for a particular 'theme'.

+ November 
This was probably the most exciting month for me in terms of blogging and by that I mean I was contacted by Burt's Bees and given the opportunity to work with them by collaborating with them on their Christmas Gift Guide 2015

+ December 
The month leading up to Christmas and 2016 which still seems a little unreal, I mean honestly where did the year go? I was also given the opportunity to work with Mai Couture one of the most unique companies ever with their bomb-ass products. 

I just want to thank everyone for making this year awesome, I've had some incredible opportunities and experiences which I wouldn't change for the world! 2016 has a lot to live up to!

Follow me on Instagram: sanaahmad_ 

Follow me on Twitter: sanaahmad_ 

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