Miscellaneous Monthly Must-Haves - November

10:30 am

The month of November has definitely dragged it felt like it was never going to end! Can anyone else relate? Nevertheless we are one month nearer to New Years which is insane. Aside from that here's a handful of things I've been obsessed with this past November. 

My utter obsession for this month is 'Scream Queens'! Who else is in love with this show? When I first saw the trailer for this show I was immediately drawn so I searched it up and binge-watched the first few episodes. Since then I've been consecutively watching it every week. 

My second love for this month is this gorgeous floral bomber jacket from 'Monki'. This jacket can be paired with simply anything and everything! I tend to wear my lilac shirt (which I hauled in my Holiday Haul) with this bomber jacket as the colours contrast very beautifully. 

My next favourite is hair scrunchies, they come in all sorts of cool colours and patterns. I particularly like using them to put my hair up in a bun. Now this white leather wallet from H&M has been perfect for holding notes, receipts and the odd few pennies! 

My last favourite is this pair of pearl earrings. I love the different take-on the classic pearl earrings with the larger pearl peeping through the bottom. I've also really been in to moisturising as weird as that sounds I feel like your skin needs more hydration during the colder months.

I cannot wait for next months posts, comment down below if you're excited for Christmas and all the other festive fun!

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