My Everyday Makeup | Stuff I actually use

11:15 am

I was scrolling through a few of my old posts, as one does, and quickly came to realise that I have not done an updated makeup routine on my blog ever since I first launched it, which is absolutely ludicrous to me! And what a better time than 'back to school' season just when everyone needs a little inspiration with basically everything. My makeup has changed drastically since the 1st year of College, back then it was all about the contour, highlight and the GLAM look but now my makeup is a lot more simpler, more everyday and more 'I can actually do my makeup in 10 minutes' which is perfect for when you're rushing in the morning, trust me we've all been there! So here it is: 

+ First step | MOISTURISE 

You already know I am a brand-loyal snob when it comes to my Nivea creme moisturiser and it's simply because it works wonders for my skin and has always worked for years on end. Nonetheless I do love switching between moisturisers especially when I am not wearing makeup like this Vitamin E cream from the BodyShop and this Dove cream. Personally for a good base always moisturise even when you don't have the time, it doesn't take long and you'll be doing your skin a favour, trust me. I always go in with this Vitamin E oil from the BodyShop first and then my Nivea moisturiser. 

+ Second step | YOUR BASE IS KEY

When it comes to my makeup it's my base that does all the work, in the sense that if you have a good base then chances are the rest of your makeup will also look flawless. I like to keep things simple, when my skin is having a good day I go in with just my Garnier BB cream which has a sheer coverage because it's only a tinted moisturiser. When I want a little more coverage I use a concealer, I either opt for this MUA one or the lightest shade from my Technic Concealer Pallette. To set my base I have sworn my the Nip & Fab Contour Kit ever since I did a post on their new makeup, I use the first 3 shades on the top. I've ditched the contour and bronze for my everyday makeup but Blusher is perfect for making it look like you have a lot of makeup on but not really, currently I'm using this Sleek blush from their Contour Kit in 'Light'. If I really want to look like I've made an effort then I'll put a little bit of highlighter on my nose, inner corners and cheeks and yes I've been using the Nip & Fab 'highlighting palette' because it truly is a work of art on your face. 

+ Third step | FOCUS ON YOUR EYES 

I have always been a hater of heavy eye makeup during the day unless it's something special just because who really wants to spend their time removing it all, only to be left with two black eyes? I curl my lashes, curling your lashes can have a huge impact on your eyes whether you're wearing mascara or not, I then tightline my eyes with the W7 eyeliner or I opt for a brown eyeliner if I want something a little more soft and that's my eyes done. For brows I've started embracing the natural shape of my brows by brushing a little clear brow gel through them. I've also started to brush a little bronzer into my crease just to a) get rid of the creasing concealer line & b) to add a little something to my eyes since I like keeping it simple :) 

+ Fourth step | LIPS 

My ultimate default when it comes to applying lipstick is my MAC matte lipstick in Taupe, it looks good with everything, any makeup look and all the time. For when I really don't want to bother with lipstick and reapplying it and making sure it's neat I just use this BodyShop 'lip roll-on' it's basically a clear gloss-like lip hydrator that tastes great too! I adore my reds and darker shades and personally I think a bold lip colour looks great when the rest of your makeup is all fresh faced & au natural like this NYX soft matte lip cream in Copenhagen & this bright red Revlon lipstick. 

Kudos to you if you actually made it to the end of this long-winded blog post, I've really got back into writing more in my posts and I have to say I've missed it! 

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