Tulle Skirts | How to Style

7:52 am

I'm going to be starting a new segment on my blog where every few weeks I'll be doing a 'How to Style' post on whatever's all the rage in Fashion & Beauty. I hope you guys are as excited as me for this new content which is different from my regular posts. For this week [cue the drum roll if you couldn't tell from the title already] it's How to Style 'Tulle Skirts'. Let me know what else you would like me to style next!  

Now I've seen these skirts everywhere and styled with pretty much anything & everything. They're just so fun to play with, you can layer them up underneath things or wear them as an actual skirt. I currently have two the first being a classic black tulle skirt and then just a lace one, you know just to switch things up a little bit! This is how I would style them with an oversized jumper on top with the skirt just peeking out underneath and a pair of black or blue skinny jeans. 

I hope you guys liked this new style of post, I can't wait to do another one and make this a regular thing on my blog. 

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