Update & I'm Back

11:00 am

Hey guys so I've been a little unactive on my blog and that's simply because I've been low on inspiration, I've been ill & the weathers been pretty crappy lately. So it's been a combo of a number of things, so instead of rushing content on my blog I decided to update you guys on how I'm back!

I will be sticking to my usual 4 blog posts a month and will try my hardest to excel that like I have done previously. I have a handful of posts planned for February since it will be my 1 year blog anniversary! which I'm super excited for. 

I also have some upcoming projects for this blog so stay tuned and all will be revealed in a matter of months. I also want to post more fashion related content but the only thing holding me back is the weather! So fingers crossed the weather turns out okay for the upcoming weeks.

Also if you guys want any blog posts in specific then be sure to let me know by commenting below! 

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