
What I did this month

5:09 pm

October has left just as quickly as it arrived. Now almost 2 months into my BTC I am eagerly awaiting my exam dates. I intend on writing a whole post on the Bar Course and how I have found it so far because damn that has been stressful to say the least! 


As someone who has found it extremely difficult to work at home I have been dragging myself to coffee shops to spend a few hours doing work and it helps (not so much my coffee intake but you win some you lose some). From having to complete my undergraduate degree from home and now also my postgraduate a change of scenery makes the world of a difference. 

My Blackstone's Criminal Practice book arrived and I have to say navigating this was a lot harder than the Whitebook. When it comes to textbooks I prefer having a hard copy even if it weighs a ton the only downside to these books is that the paper is extremely thin so every time I turn a page I am faced with the fear of tearing it. 


I had some amazing food at Tamatanga and Giggling Squid. Good food is truly one of life's greatest gifts. When I am not doing work for my Bar Course, or working I am eating and I cannot lie trying new food is something I look forward to. 

I received the most thoughtful graduation gift ever from my cousin. It has my name and degree engraved into it, you better believe I am keeping this bottle for life. The fact that I have graduated still feels surreal, maybe it is because of the lack of the ceremony, but apparently the ceremony is likely to go ahead in January so we shall see how that unfolds. 

I had the most stressful oral advocacy session last week. My laptop felt the need to update minutes before my session and I forgot to backup my files onto OneDrive so there I was dressed in my blazer, shirt and pj bottoms frantically emailing my tutor. But thank god I managed to get my skeleton argument in front of me (one of the perks of performing last I guess). 


I ate runny eggs on toast a few too many times. My go-to is toasting the bread in a pan with some butter, frying the egg until the whites cooked but the yolk is still runny and then topping it off with either some spring onions or spinach and then seasoning with salt, pepper and a generous amount of chili flakes. Oh I also managed to find another bird ring and replaced my old one. 

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