
10:37 am

The last time I sat down to take photographs and write up a blog post was in March. A lot has happened since then. Here's my run through of what I did during the past few months. It might be a long one so grab a coffee or two.

  1. I baked vegan banana bread a few too many times and I attempted to cook too. Honestly who did I think I was? Rest assured my cooking days were numbered and I have only baked since. 
  2. Ordered a load of jewellery making equipment in attempt to reignite my love for making jewellery and I have to say it did not last very long. 
  3. Frantically picked and planned my exam question and answers for my final year and still proceeded to change some of them at the very last minute. As someone who prefers exams, even if they are over 3 hours, staring at a laptop screen for hours on end constantly editing coursework is absolute torture. I usually take a break from blogging and social media in general when it comes to exams purely because of a lack of motivation, time and inspiration in all honesty. I find myself far too consumed in the deadlines, the copious amounts of note taking, skimming my textbooks and memorizing. 
  4. Thoroughly enjoyed Ramadhan at home free from any distractions bar exams. This is the first time since GCSE's I have not had to fast while completing exams or working. Personally I really do not mind fasting during exams, if anything I prefer it, but most importantly for me it was being able to pray on time and make the most of the day as opposed to going to university or coming home from work minutes before it was time to break your fast. 
  5. Face-timed my university friends almost every other day. From seeing each other everyday to our third year being cut short was a shock to the system. I can wholeheartedly say I made some lifelong friends at university, even if I only met some of them in my final year. Third year by far was the most memorable from random brunch dates, celebrating each other's birthdays in the SU with our Sainsbury's chocolate cake and candles, to our Tuesday shisha dates at Cascade.  
  1. I submitted my exams from home. This was the most anti climatic thing ever. 3 entire years of law school complete in the click of a button. Who would have thought? 
  2. Had a last minute change of heart and decided to apply to a different university for my postgraduate course and I could not be happier. Cannot wait to spend another whole year reading law books. All jokes aside I genuinely am so excited to study the Bar course, attend qualifying sessions and do whatever it takes to practice as a barrister.  
  3. Celebrated Eid with my family. I am pretty sure this was the first time I had left the house and put real clothes and shoes on after what felt like ages. 
  4. I saw my best friend after god knows how long and I have to say I have seen her more during this whole lockdown than normally during the year. She attends university in a different city and when she is home for weekend I am always at work. I cannot wait to spend the next year with her, same city just different universities.
  1. This month was a bit of a blur. Not entirely sure what I spent most of my days doing but I can guarantee it was probably spent binge watching Grey's Anatomy and Mr Robot. 
  2. Celebrated more birthdays in this month than any other month. 
  3. Participated in a debating competition, run by Middle Temple, and performed better than I expected. One thing I have to say is trying to record yourself speaking on a topic whilst living with 6 other people is almost near impossible. 
  1. This month was pure stress knowing that I was going to receive my results but alhamdulillah I  graduated with a 2.1. My sister put together the cutest little surprise. A massive part of me is over the whole graduating ceremony aspect only because it will not happen till next year but if anything I am twice as excited for my second graduation, I pray that one goes to plan. 
  2. Who would have thought the second Eid would be spent in lockdown too? Eid was still amazing regardless and I had the best time spent with my family. 
  3. Had the best pancakes in Leicester after months with my favourite person ever! 
  1. I saw one of my friends after what felt like a year and we had the nicest time eating and enjoying the warm weather. 
  2. Celebrated my 21st birthday. I had the best birthday cake ever, it was coffee flavoured. 
  3. I finally booked my BCAT test (another million and one things a bar student must do) and it is in a few days I have done absolutely no preparation but that will change because I refuse to pay £150 for a test again. 
  4. Decided to repaint my room and go for all white. The grey was getting depressing as aesthetic as it was. From having to study and work from home your environment really does start to affect your mental state. Also as someone who loves redecorating and making an old space feel new it is so refreshing. 
  5. I also went back to work, oh the joy that is retail, I feel like every time I go back I am constantly reminded about how many people lack common sense and basic manners. 

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