Wicksteed Park | Travel Diary

9:20 am

We took a visit to the second oldest amusement park in the UK in Kettering and boy was it fun! I'm going to keep you guys updated with all the travelling I do this summer so fingers crossed the weather stays warm. The weather was nicer than ever better than it was when we took an impromptu trip to the beach and that's saying something. 

The key to any good trip is to find a good parking space and luckily we did, we then set up the BBQ to cook up some food which tasted amazing to say the least. After sticky barbeque sauce and glasses full of Coke it was time to 'explore'. 

The water looked beautiful with the sunlight hitting each wave as they passed. The park is scattered with flowers, plants and greenery making the whole experience a lot more visually pleasing. 

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