
Reflection | 2018

7:10 pm

4 years into the blogging game and I'm still here ... [insert Sia's song lyrics]. This year was the year I really learnt how to take photos that reflect and accomodate my perspective when it comes to fashion, beauty and lifestyle. It has also been the year of solo travelling whether it be a city or a country. 2nd year of University started and is now almost over which is a little unsettling.

¬ Reviewed 'ToSave' not my best blogpost yet but I absolutely adore the mesh top! 
¬ Fell in love with gold jewellery all over again.

¬ Did a sponsored post with Quiz clothing, surreal I know. 
¬ Reviewed Gamiss, a clothing brand who also does killer accessories. 
¬ Shared my love of gold jewellery. 

¬ Little trip to London with my best friend and we ate our bodyweight in food. 
¬ Collaborated with Gamiss, again. 
¬ Monthly favourites, one of the best photos for a post I've taken. 

¬ Started a new series on my blog, sharing photos that often don't make it to my Instagram let alone my blog. 
¬ Another Gamiss review, a little repetitive? Maybe but as you can tell I loved their pieces. 
¬ Got employee of the month, not the biggest achievement but it's something.
¬ An outfit post here and there. 

¬ Exam madness hence the 0 posts. 
¬ It was also Ramadhan, my first experience fasting and working but it all went well. Alhamdulillah! I cannot wait to do it all again. 

¬ Another trip to London in celebration of my cousin sisters 19th birthday. Woooooh! 
¬ It was Eid too, cue the food. 
¬ It was also the month I decided to treat myself to my very first Coach bag for getting through first year of Law. 

¬ Treated myself to another Coach purchase. 
¬ London, again?

¬  Solo trip to Birmingham for tea at Malmaison.
¬ My birth month, also might have gone to London for the day. 
¬ My uni friends got me the cutest birthday card & gift ever, eternally grateful for them!
¬ Monthly favourites featuring my staples and I also took some pretty good shots if I must say so myself.

¬ Tried out some new skincare and makeup bits.
¬ Preparatory month before 2nd year of University, which is crazy because as I am typing this there is only a month left till we leave for exams.

¬ Worked with Olay for their 5-in-1 facials. 
¬ Experienced my second blogging block of the year. 
¬ University started and I have to say both semesters went quicker than I anticipated.

¬ Trip to Hamburg, a trip filled with food, gallery gazing and more food. 
¬ Slightly leopard obsessed, oh and blazers too. 
¬ Got some more piercings. 

¬ London, not one but twice. Do I go anywhere else? 
¬ Took some pretty cool shots of makeup. 
¬ Tried lobster for the first time. 

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