

9:24 am

I decided to come up with my own version of the ever so generic 'Monthly Favourites'.This will include a group of 'miscellaneous' things I've been particularly loving this month!

First thing is first and that is magazines. They're such good reads whether you flick through them or read the full article. They're perfect for getting outfit inspiration from, as they show the latest trends and fashion for A/W2015.

My next obsession for this month is dainty gold jewellery. These in particular are gold cuffs from 'Forever 21', one which is all gold and the other one with little crystals embedded down the front of each opening. 

At some point in life I think we've all experienced dry scalp. This is the 'Ginger anti-dandruff' shampoo from The BodyShop. Surprisingly the shampoo does not leave your head smelling of ginger instead it gently nourishes your scalp eliminating any possible dandruff. 

Alas fall has come making it the perfect time to whip out your fall coloured gear. I love wearing earthy coloured clothing items especially khaki. This is a Khaki long sleeve blouse from 'Autograph' with white pipe lined pockets which I have been wearing non stop with a pair of dark wash blue or black jeans. 

I hope you guys liked my different approach to your 'conventional' monthly favourites. I will be posting one of these each month to update you guys on my Miscellaneous Monthly Must-haves! 

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