
Reflection | 2017

10:12 am

This marks 3 years of me creating my blog, marking a huge milestone for me and I am immensely proud of myself for keeping my blog alive and breathing. 24,000 views and here I am writing my perennial reflection of 2017. Admittedly this year has been a challenge but one that I would happily take again because of the endless opportunities for growth.

+ January 

This month I posted my first ever AD with AisleStyle and surprisingly it was my only monetized post of the year. I also started the year off with a review which you guys know I have done countless posts dedicated to my opinion on brands, products and clothing. I have the funniest memories from a trip to our local museum with my friends and bought a beautiful gold falcon ring as a little commemoration. 

+ February 

I posted my 'beauty obsessions' which went down a storm with over 300+ views on that post alone. This year I really found a photography style that suits me and my blog perfectly and I could not be happier with the quality and the content of my photos. Another outfit post in my distressed boyfriend jeans, I think so, there was a time where the majority of my outfits revolved around these jeans and now that I think about it I barely wear them now. 

+ March 

After much deliberation I ventured out of my strictly 'fashion & beauty' blog and posted something different, a recipe on vanilla icing. I have been able to share some of my best moments on this blog whether it's beauty related or not. I had 'pinch me' moment when W7 re-posted my photo from my monthly favourites. 

+ April 

This was a huge month for me, I had the chance to work with Nip & Fab on their new makeup launch and it was a dream come true. The photos showcased the hard work I had put into writing the post and reviewing the products. There was a collaboration with Rosegal too which was new to me and I could not be happier with the connections I have made with them. 

+ May 

Another collaboration with a huge brand as if this year could not get any better! Reviews have become second nature to me, I love doing them and sharing my honest opinions with you. Transparency is key when it comes to blogging, working with brands is amazing but honesty is paramount especially when it comes to promoting products. There was Rosegal too and I was lucky enough to pick a few things from their website. 

+ June 

The month of exams, A level exams to be precise. Probably the most stressful month of last year but I am so glad college is over and done with. It was also Ramadhan which means Eid which means dressing up and eating copious amounts of food. 

+ July 

We went on holiday to Malaga which was breathtakingly beautiful and I can't wait to go back someday. The weather was incredible and our views were unbelievable, I did a whole post on Malaga with over 30+ photos. I did a whole series of travel related posts and I loved each and every one. I worked with Zaful on a post and that was great. 

+ August 

My 18th birthday, this was such a memorable day, a day I will never forget surrounded by my closest family and my bestest friend. I did another recipe post on my favourite double chocolate chip cookies. It was also the long-awaited results day for A levels, I got A*AB in Sociology, Psychology and English Language which meant that I got into University for Law. This was the month I got my first ever job and that was a whirlwind of happiness, enthusiasm & another opportunity for growth. 

+ September 

My collaborations with Zaful and Rosegal continued and I created more posts on their new pieces and trends. This was the month leading up to starting University as well as working. I also did an updated makeup routine, this year I have really tried to use all of my makeup. Sure it's nice having lots of makeup but it's a lot nicer when you actually use majority of the products you own. 

+ October 

I finally started University and met some amazing friends along the way. I had the chance to select a few more pieces from Rosegal like this white teddy coat I have worn on multiple occasions along with my infamous black trousers with the red stripe down them. I collaborated with another fashion brand Gamiss and I have more posts planned with them so keep reading! 

+ November 

I visited London after what felt like ages, while it was an educational trip we managed to squeeze a handful of minutes in Covent Garden which is so magical during Christmas time. I also bought a bright red fur coat which 1 year ago would not have happened. I definitely developed my taste in fashion this year, I started wearing a lot more colour and just things in general which were out of my comfort zone. 

+ December 

This year ended on a great note for me personally and for my blog. I'm pretty sure I took the best photos ever to be posted on my blog in my 'beauty favourites'. I hope 2018 is just as great as 2017 was. As you grow older the years go by faster and being able to reflect on my journey not only as a blogger but as a person on this amazing platform is a blessing. 

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