
9.22pm Thoughts on Blogging

9:34 am

Another blogging block, I think this is going to become a thing, a thing that occurs once a year and in January to be precise. To be honest it can be rather daunting trying to find new products to write about, new outfit posts and to be quite frank it can be tiring too. People largely underestimate the time and effort that actually goes into writing a blog post, taking pictures for a blog post then having to edit them also maintaining a blog is incredibly hard too. You strive to make your blog the best, different to the rest always trying to come up with new ways to take photos, write content from a different perspective, switch it up a little but it all comes down to you. Ultimately you have power over the content, the photos and the links you share with your readers so why try to make it like the rest. I mean sure it's cool to follow trends once in a while but it's cooler to be original too but that is a lot easier said than done. 

Blogging comes in waves to me, I have great surges of ideas and it's carried through my posts but I also have times like this where I have literally nothing to post but a rant and you know what that is 'okay'. I started blogging to develop and share my interest with you guys and definitely not to stress myself out over what my next post is going to be or when I'm going to take my next pictures or which brand I am going to be working with next. I definitely want to approach my blog in a different manner and create posts I genuinely want to share with my readers but more importantly with myself. 

I want to blog about all things fashion and beauty but also about topics or issues or things in general that I am interested in. I want to stick to posting 4 times a month at least but I want to push myself to write more but really and truly I want to stop being so hard on myself all the time for sometimes missing a post or not being overly happy with the quality of my photos because realistically there are bigger and better things happening in the world. This is not a post explaining myself it's just a little reminder to appreciate the blog I have created and nurtured for almost 3 years which is crazy to me.

p.s this is me typing up my thoughts while procrastinating and not completing my contract essay like the good law student I am :) 

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