
Miscellaneous Monthly Must-Haves | October

1:40 pm

October, the month where preparing for Halloween from the very start & making Mean Girls references are unquestionably appropriate. With University finally starting and actually having work to do, there's nothing more I appreciate then having a little time to myself whether it be catching up on 'How to get Away with Murder' or typing up this blog post. Here's my favourites for this month and I can assure you they are some of my absolute obsessions. 

+ Wellness bottle in 'Gold' 

I've wanted one of these bottles for over a century now but I just could not find one that was either under£40 or decent looking, but much to my surprise TK Maxx have a huge range and trust me I mean huge! Not only do I adore the gold but it keeps cold drinks cold and warm drinks warm which is perfect for Winter. 

+ Casio digital watch 'Gold Plated'

I'm not a huge fan of analogue clocks simply because they take longer to read whereas reading the time on a digital watch is instantaneous. Again I'm obsessed with the gold, it's a clean & classic watch that fits perfectly on my wrist, I like it so much I'm considering buying the same thing in silver. 

+ Isabella Scott pencil case 

I've been looking for a cute pencil case for the longest time and again I found this gorgeous crushed velvet pencil case in TK Maxx and I could not be happier with it. It has a lot of room which is great but is not overly big. 

+ Lady Gaga 'Fame' perfume 

From receiving a sample of this more than 4 years ago at the Clothes Show Live in Birmingham, I have searched endlessly for this perfume and finally found it and I can tell you it smells just like I remember. It's musky but light at the same time and it wears well. 

+ Leopard Print Coat

This has been my go-to coat since August just because I'm that eager to wear my winter clothes. Leopard print in general is iconic, it's a fashion staple that returns year after year without fail. 

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