9:55 am

We're almost a week in to our Christmas Holidays and there nothing I want more than for it to snow but we all know that is not happening! I've spent most of my time at home binge watching Christmas movies, I know how more basic could you possibly get? Here's my favourites for this month, I'll be doing a yearly favourites too but that'll probably be in January because 2 favourites in 1 month is a little excessive, don't you think? 

+ Nike Roshe Runs 
An unanticipated purchase on black Friday meant that these have not left my feet since receiving them 2 days after placing the order. They're super comfy I mean just look at that thick sole and they make walking on wet leaves a ton less scarier than heeled boots. 

+ Books by Helena Kennedy 
As I am not studying Law this year my substitute is to read books regarding Law, I'm on my third one now so I'd say I'm doing pretty good. This book's called 'Just Law' by none other than Helena Kennedy, I picked this one based on the last book I read 'Eve was framed' also by Helena Kennedy. It's her style of writing that I enjoy both informative but still increasingly interesting & engaging

+ Grey Chiffon scarf 
If you ask my friends then they'll tell you how much I've been wearing this scarf, I mean I wore it for 1 week straight (a little disgusting? maybe but I swear my hairs clean :). This scarf just works like it stays on my head the entire day and the layers fall beautifully

+ Taupe by MAC & Brown Rimmel lip liner 
This has got to be my all-time favourite lip combo, they look great on their own but when paired together they are gorgeous. The lip liner of course is darker but it just compliments Taupe so much. I also feel like Taupe worn on its own is too pink on my lips and so I like pairing it with something else. 

+ Trench coat 
Or as I would like to call it my 'detective coat' or as my sister describes it as a 'man's coat'. While people may dislike the oversized-ness of this coat I love it, I admire how big it is and with its boxy cut & look. It pairs nicely with basically everything in my wardrobe and I've never owned a beige coat before. 

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