A Quick 'little' Update

12:02 pm

I'm back better than ever with my blog, sure exam stress took its toll but in all honesty we all need a break from time to time! From cramming last minute revision to actually doing my exams I can now say that that 'i'm exam free baby'. Advice to future self: DON'T leave revision to the last month! Personally education comes first for me and then blogging. Why's that? Blogging for me flows freely and doesn't require much thought & planning while on the other hand college does only making it right for me to devote my time & effort solely to that. 

So where am I heading with this you ask? Well the answer is I'm not entirely sure but I can tell you this I will be posting more frequently on my blog since exams have come & gone. I also have new posts planned contrary to what I mentioned above so stay tuned! I really want to change the layout of my blog too but nothing drastically different because I'm quite content with how it is at the moment. 

Two last things; How did you exams go? My exams were do-able that's one way to put it but I guess we'll only really know on Results Day and that's months away! Lastly how is Ramadan going for everyone? We're 5 fasts in unbelievably and I can already say they're going incredibly quick! 

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