
Buildings, Burgers & Blue Skies | #BWTRAVELS18

10:23 pm

I love visiting London whether it's during Summer or our so-called Spring! This was my first trip I planned by myself and learnt how to use the tube stations despite my little mishap in attempting to locate Oxford Street, it's safe to say we got there in the end! Cake for breakfast is always a good option and if you like pink then Peggy Porschen is the place to visit. Museums are always a classic, whether you're there for a few Instagram photo opportunities or there to actually obtain new knowledge about all kind of things from dinosaurs to crystals. Window shopping another must in London especially with department stores, if anything it's an opportunity to adore the interiors of major designers like Gucci and YSL with their marble walls and vivid display cabinets ... oh and their bags too of course! I'm always up for a good burger and so Burgeri seemed like a sensible choice a) it was halal, b) it was on Oxford Street making it convenient and c) burgers. Oh I also bought a box of Ben's cookies and boy they were good! 

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