
Taking control, well attempting to...

4:54 pm

Nobody likes uncertainty, the unknown, and not being able to exert control over simple aspects of life. I think other final year students at University can agree that this whole experience has been incredibly weird from start to finish. From having strikes in semester one to more strikes in semester two followed by everything being cut short drastically and just the thought of not having a graduation ceremony in summer is insane. Despite the negatives and everything that has gone wrong there are so many positive things we can all take away from this experience and implement but I won't lecture you on that.

A few suggestions to keep yourself busy, oh and sane:

  1. Start baking. I made scones the other day, definitely not my forte but I tried. I think I will stick to cookies for now. 
  2. Face time your friends. I cannot stress this enough. It is so important to keep in touch and check up on your friends whether it be five minutes or 2 hours. 
  3. Read a book. Any book. Re-read an old favourite or discover a new one.  
  4. Organise your space. A cluttered space is a cluttered mind. Use this time to re-do your wardrobe or your bedroom.
  5. Start your assignments. While it is nice and all having an extended break from University, attempt to stay on top of your work, you will thank yourself later. 
  6. Get Disney+. Have I spent the past few days re-watching old classics? Yes. Do I regret it? Absolutely not!
  7. Take care of your skin. One of the many things you can do to pamper yourself and feel great. 
  8. Find a side hustle. Earn some money, start a business, sell something. 
  9. Catch up on sleep. Catch up on all the zzzzzzzz's you have missed out on. 
  10. Learn a new skill. Learn a language or perfect an existing skill. Continue to educate yourself. 
  11. Create LinkedIn. Network and connect with people within your field. Reach out to people. Ask for work/ experience opportunities. Trust me there are a wealth of opportunities waiting to be discovered. I may or may not dedicate a whole post to LinkedIn and its benefits. 
  12. Start a blog. Write a post, publish it and share it with others. 
  13. Paint something. Unwind and hone your inner Michelangelo
  14. Reach out to people. Friends, family and colleagues. 
  15. Appreciate everything you have! There is so much to be thankful in this life, make the most of it. 

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